Fifth Democratic Education Network International Student Conference

Date 13 May 2022
Time 9:30am - 9:30pm
Cost Free

An international student conference on ‘Power and contestations in Global Worlds: Identities, Conflicts, and Developmental Challenges’

The Democratic Education Network of the University of Westminster (DEN Westminster) welcomes undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University of Westminster and beyond to join us for the fifth DEN international student conference on 13 May.

Can there be a consensus on the role of business in development? Is the rule of law a panacea for injustices or is it a tool in the hands of the powerful? Can conflicts, especially when mediatized, be resolved in an era of great power competition? Does development mean the same to indigenous communities of Peru as they mean to residents of Shanghai? Do the refugees fleeing the Syrian war experience the same "civilized Europe" and "humanity" as those fleeing the Ukraine conflict? Can we genuinely decolonize and diversify education to make it inclusive for all?

DEN Westminster, in partnership with University’s ‘Westminster Conversations: Toward an Anti Racist University’ series, will be holding conferences on 12 May and 13 May. While students are invited to attend the 12 May Anti Racism conference as participants, we especially welcome all undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University of Westminster and beyond to join us for the student conference on 13 May. 

The full programme will be ready and and made available via eventbrite by 3 May 2022.

Kindly register your interest to join the conference as a participant.