Deepening Meditation (for experienced meditators)

Date 20 January 2022

End Date 31 March 2022

Time 5 - 5:30pm
Cost Free
Two boats on river

A weekly online gathering for students & colleagues at the University of Westminster (not an intro class).

These sessions are guided by David Morris, a member of the University of Westminster's Interfaith team. In these sessions, David will present mindfulness in a secular style that is inclusive and available to students and staff of all faiths and none, so whether you are spiritual, religious or secular this is an opportunity to connect with our inner tranquility beyond boundaries. 

These sessions are open to anyone who has attended at least two 'Introduction to Meditation' sessions with David Morris before OR those who have a learned a mindfulness of breathing technique from other teachers.

David will be giving minimal guidance, aiming for 20 minutes of silent practice.

You can also join more 'Deepening Meditation' sessions taking place every Tuesday at 10am. 

For more information, please contact David Morris via [email protected].