Cross-disciplinary conversations about health and wellbeing

Date 11 December 2019
Time 1 - 3pm
Cost Free


A research network event for PhD students and early career researchers at the University of Westminster.


Health innovation ecosystem

Research into health and wellbeing is often conducted in disciplinary silos with little attention paid to alternative perspectives and research traditions. Health and wellbeing is, however, one of the areas that can most benefit from just these sorts of cross-disciplinary conversations between scholars working in clinical and life sciences, history, the humanities, the social sciences (from political science to sociology and anthropology), computer sciences, mathematics, economics, philosophy and bioethics, and the arts.

As many PhD students and early career researchers working on health-related topics at Westminster are eager to engage in these discussions, the University of Westminster’s Health Innovation Ecosystem, and the University’s Health Innovation and Wellbeing Research Community, are co-hosting a research network event to facilitate, encourage and support cross-disciplinary conversations about health-related research.

The event will provide an informal and supportive environment for PhD students and early career researchers to discuss their own health-related research within and outside their own disciplines.

The event will be held on Wednesday, December 11 from 13:00 – 15:00 in The Pavilion, The Copland Building, 115 New Cavendish Street.

We will start with introductions and a light lunch, followed by semi-structured discussions about health-related research. Henna Patel from our research office will discuss the funding landscape for cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary health-related research. We will end with feedback on the event and ideas for future events for PhD students and early career researchers.