Co-creating meaning and re-imagining ourselves in the University: play-doh as a generative method

Date 24 February 2023
Time 3 - 4pm
Location Online
Cost Free
Co-creating meaning and re-imagining ourselves in the university

About the event

Building meaningful partnership relationships and co-creating our learning and teaching realities requires trust and a safe space. In this seminar, Dr Fatima Maatwk will reflect on using play-doh to collectively co-create meaning in student partnerships. Moving away from traditional research methods, which often mirror the imbalanced power dynamics in HE, we use play-doh as a generative and creative method to centre our partnership relationships on trust and care.

It is a process that allows meaning to emerge and enables us to connect with parts of ourselves in a way that asking and answering questions or writing about concepts does not. Collectively reflecting and building our models allows us to ‘feel’ our way through the answers to our guiding questions. In doing so, we aim to disrupt how knowledge is produced and circulated in institutions.

Dr Fatima Maatwk is a Lecturer in Student Partnership, in the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation at the University of Westminster. She will be joined by respondents Rifa Ferzana, BA Computer Sciences Student & Student Partnership Ambassador, University of Westminster, and Dr Andy Pitchford, Head of the Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation, University of Westminster.