Challenging Antisemitism in Higher Education and Beyond

Date 29 March 2023
Time 5:30 - 8pm
Location 309 Regent Street
Cost Free
Blue University of Westminster flag

In addition to tackling explicit and unconscious antisemitism, how do we challenge ignorance and apathy where many people may not see antisemitism as a problem?

The University of Westminster and London Higher’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Network invite students and colleagues as well as members of the public to an important discussion about the challenges of antisemitism in the Higher Education sector and beyond.

Recent years have seen a growing recognition that anti-Jewish animus is neither confined to history nor to the fringes of humanity, but is a part of everyday discourse in different sections of society. The Higher Education sector is not exempt from it. Institutions cannot tackle a prejudice if they do not recognise its presence in the first instance; policies won’t be effective if practices do not change.

The Taskforce on Antisemitism in Universities runs under the auspices of both the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism and the Government’s Independent Adviser on Antisemitism. Its report, out in March, will look at the experiences of Jewish staff and students across UK campuses. The report, based on meetings with over 40 UK Higher Education Institutions, relevant providers, and other stakeholders, will highlight key issues and provide recommendations on what more can be done to support Jewish staff and students on campus. The report will also be accompanied by a 'Good Practice Guide' containing numerous examples of policies, initiatives, and case studies from universities taking proactive steps to improve the experience of Jewish staff and student life on campus.

The report of the Lord John Mann-led Taskforce on Antisemitism in Universities could not come at a more crucial time. Why was the report necessary? What are its main findings? How can the report guide institutions to bring about a culture change whereby antisemitism, like other forms of racisms and prejudices, is not tolerated?

Lord John Mann will be in conversation with Professor Dibyesh Anand (University of Westminster and Chair of London Higher’s EDI Network) about the report, its findings, and the importance of taking it as a wakeup call for culture change.

Book your place to attend the event.