Celebrating University Mental Health Day with a series of events

Date 24 February 2021

End Date 1 April 2021

Time 2 - 5:30pm
Cost Free

University Mental Health Day takes place across the nation on Thursday 4 March, and to mark the occasion, Westminster is holding a series of events focusing on mental health support and wellbeing.  

The national University Mental Health Day campaign is designed to shine a spotlight on student mental health. It is run by the charity, Student Minds, with the aim of encouraging conversations, raising awareness and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health.  

As part of its efforts towards the campaign, Westminster will be running a series of talks and workshops for students across the whole of March.  

Please click the links below for more information, and to book your place.  

Westminster Wellbeing Webinars: Managing Low Mood, Wednesday 24 February,  14:00 - 15:30). 

  • Feeling low is a part of all of our lives at some stage. Everyone feels upset, sad or disheartened from time to time, but for some of us it can be a real problem, especially during this difficult time. The good news is that there are things you can do to improve your mood. In this webinar we will look at the signs and possible causes of low mood, and tips on how you can improve your mood and what to do if you need further support.

Look After Your Mate Training, Tuesday 2 March, Wednesday 3 March, Thursday 4 March (14:00 - 16:30)

  • This workshop covers how to effectively support the mental health of you and your peers. It includes practical tips, how to spot warning signs, how to set boundaries, and covers the resources available to you. The workshop will also cover essential skills that will bolster your CV, including communication, listening and motivating skills. 

Westminster Wellbeing Webinars: Managing Anxiety, Wednesday 3 March (14:00 - 15:30)

  • Everyone experiences periods of anxiety, but in these current times we can become more fearful, nervous and tense about the future. Based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), the webinar will look at how anxiety affects people in different ways, the resources available and strategies to manage it.  

Westminster Wellbeing Webinars: Let’s Talk About Sleep, Wednesday 10 March (14:00 - 15:30)

  • This webinar takes a look at how sleep works, why we need it, and the common causes of sleep problems. Run by NHS professionals and based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), the session aims to help attendees with strategies to improve their sleep. 

Westminster Wellbeing Webinars: Let's Talk About Consent, Wednesday 17 March (13:00 - 14:00)

  • This session is run by the Women and Girls network and is open to all genders. It explores myths about consent, how to define and recognise consent across different settings, and how to access support. 

The Self-Love Factory, Friday 19 March (11:00 - 14:15)

  • Run by students for students, this free virtual event boasts a variety of wellbeing sessions to choose from. Challenge your cooking skills in a healthy food class, boost self-acceptance through a dance workshop, embrace self-love through yoga practice, meditation and a fitness class, and hear from an influencer on social media’s body shaming issue. 

Westminster Wellbeing Webinars: STI Awareness - Everything you need to know! Wednesday 31 March (13:00 - 14:00)

  • Run by the Terrence Higgins Trust, this session focuses on safer sex, relationships and STIs. It discusses the most common STIs, how to prevent them and services available for sexual health support and testing. It will also provide an opportunity for a Q&A with a sexual health expert. 

Meditation Classes, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (various times)

  • The Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation class run by the Interfaith Team offers guided sessions for those who are new to the practice. Those who have attended at least two of these sessions, or have previous experience in meditation, are invited to join the Deepening Meditation classes to explore the practice further. 

Further Resources 

UoW Wellbeing Resources & UWSU Wellbeing Resources 

There are a variety of self-help resources available on a range of topics that may support you with your health and wellbeing, which are updated regularly.  

Feeling Good App 

We are providing free access to a positive mental wellbeing app that will accompany you through your student journey. The app is designed to enhance mental clarity and focus to reach optimal performance.   

Student Space 

Need a little help to cope with all the Covid-19 changes? Student Space helps you to find the support that you need during the Coronavirus pandemic with information, tools and helpful hints.