Careers Support in a Virtual World: Series

Date 12 January 2021

End Date 13 January 2021

Time 1 - 4:30pm
Cost Free

This event is part of the Westminster Welcome Festival.

Cartoon of students in a virtual meeting on a laptop

Session 1: Navigating Through a Virtual World

With so many online resources and events, it’s difficult to know what to try and how to approach events. Our experts will be providing tips on what to look for and how to make the most of these opportunities.

Session 2: Westminster Employability Award (WEA)

Turbocharge your degree by joining the Westminster Employability Award (WEA) scheme. Our session will teach you about the benefits of joining and give you tips on achieving the award.

Session 3: Talent Bank

Want to learn about how to apply for jobs within the University? Our session will help you learn how to join Talent Bank and tips to improve your chances of gaining a job. 

Session 4: My University of Westminster Journey 

Did you know some of our staff used to be students like yourself? In this session, you will learn about their journeys and how they ended up working for the University.

Dates and times

  • Session 1: 12 January, 2–3pm
  • Session 2: 12 January, 3.30–4.30pm
  • Session 3: 13 January, 1–2pm
  • Session 4: 13 January, 3–4pm

All times are in current UK time.

Join the sessions

This event is held via Microsoft Teams, please use the link below to join the session at the correct time.

Session 1: Navigating Through a Virtual World

Session 2: Westminster Employability Award (WEA)

Session 3: Talent Bank

Session 4: My University of Westminster Journey 

For advice on how to join a Microsoft Teams session, read through our guide.


This event is part of the Westminster Welcome Festival.