Boost Low Mood (online)

Date 28 February 2023
Time 1 - 2pm
Location Online
Cost Free
Girl looking sad under a rain cloud

About the event

Experiencing periods of low mood or feeling ‘down’ is completely normal. However, when you are depressed, these feelings can last for weeks at a time. Mild depression might not stop you from day-to-day life, but severe depression can cause a disruption to basic daily functioning. Some people may have an episode of depression once and recover, while others may have reoccurring periods of depression throughout their life.

This workshop will look at the causes, signs and symptoms of low mood and depression. Additionally, it will provide some strategies you can implement to help boost periods of low mood. The tips and tools provided are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

If you would like to sign up for this online workshop, please contact Gina Casserly: [email protected].