Black History Year: Building Your Potential and Presence!

Date 24 February 2022
Time 12:30 - 1:45pm
Cost Free
Black History Year - Wellbeing and mental health in black people

Join us for our last event in our Wellbeing and Mental Health in Black People month where we welcome Jacqueline A.Hinds.

The Black History Year are delighted to welcome Jacqueline who will help participants to explore practices and principles of managing self and, the skills needed to build effective networks and, your profile and presence through your career resume. 

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will walk away with the following key aspects of building their Potential and Presence.
  • Building Skills and Competencies: Exploring your skills and competencies, self-reflecting on where you have been, where you currently are and where your goals and aspirations are leading you.
  • Effective CV-Building: Looking at the key elements of building an effective career resume (CV)
  • Networking for Success: Exploring what networking is and how you can effectively make the most of being part of a network, looking at your goals over a period of time and the kind of support you expect from your networking experience. 
  • Building Your Resilience: Exploring and understanding the practices and principles around building personal resilience

Once you sign up, the link to the event will be sent to you closer to the date.

Find out more about our events and news and visit our Black History Year Blog.

Please note this event will be recorded but all audio and video will be switched off, aside from the speakers.