Annual Research Symposium on Sustainability, Social Impact and Equity in the Built Environment

Date 9 July 2024
Time 10am - 5pm
Location Cavendish Campus
Cost Free
Westminster Business School

The Centre for the Study of the Production of the Built Environment (ProBE) – a multi-faculty research centre spanning Westminster Business School (WBS) and the School of Architecture and Cities (SA+C) at the University of Westminster – is inviting you to a research symposium on reassessing research priorities for the study of the production of the built environment.

About the event

The symposium will be an opportunity to hear about ProBE’s current and recently completed research and to discuss priorities for future research on the production of the built environment, in particular the issues that most urgently need addressing, such as combatting climate change, improving vocational education and training (VET), and addressing sectoral equality, diversity and inclusion challenges in the UK, Europe and across the globe. 

It will bring together ProBE members, past, existing and prospective collaborators and project partners from within University and beyond, including academic organisations, unions, industry practitioners, environmental organisations, policymakers and the wider society, for an interactive day of discussion.

The symposium will include keynote presentations from ProBE members and external speakers and panel discussions on the following key research areas:

  • Embedding climate literacy into construction VET in different countries
  • Women in construction in Europe and beyond
  • Fuel poverty and energy retrofit in housing in the UK
  • Transforming VET and working conditions in the scaffolding sector across Europe
  • Stakeholder engagement and inclusive innovation in built environment projects

Please register before 12 noon on Friday, 5 July 2024.