Guidance is provided on this page on how you can access our policy documents in alternative formats such as accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording, or braille.

Alternative formats – colleagues and students

If you are a University of Westminster student or colleague, you can use Sensus Access to convert files to a range of alternative formats. Sensus Access is self-service software that provides files in alternative formats like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille. This means that you can choose the formats that work best for you.

Alternative formats - external

If you are not a University of Westminster student or colleague and would like to request a document in a different format or wish to report an accessibility problem with one of our policy documents, you can contact us for support.

Please contact us by email, if possible.

E: [email protected]

If you’re unable to contact us by email, you can call us. Please ask for the Clerk to the Court of Governors or the Governance Support Officer.

T: +44 (0) 207 911 5000.