Not all vacancies are advertised, and it's surprising how often graduates find 'hidden' jobs through more creative techniques such as networking and speculative applications.

Speculative applications

It is widely accepted that not all vacancies are openly advertised. The ‘hidden’ jobs market can be a great source of internship opportunities and graduates often find jobs through speculative applications. Find out more about speculative applications in the Career Discovery area on EngageGo to the Engage website.


Being able to build mutually beneficial professional relationships can contribute to career success throughout your working life in most sectors.  Whether you are just starting out in your career or are an experienced professional moving on to a new challenge, networking can bring many benefits and often you won't know where it will lead when you start out. 

For example, engaging with your network could provide: 

  • information about what different roles, organizations or sectors are like and whether they would be a good fit for you
  • ideas for other career options you could explore
  • how employers promote opportunities in your field and useful vacancy sources
  • advice on how to make your applications more tailored or your interviews more impactful e.g. skills sought, organisational priorities or sector news and trends
  • contacts to approach speculatively for work-shadowing, temporary or permanent employment
  • improved communication and professional relationship building skills  

Find out more about how to network in the Career Discovery area on EngageGo to the Engage website.