Are you looking to explore your career options, prepare for the working world or even kick-start a new career? Start 2023 strong by taking advantage of our Future Ready Mentoring Initiatives.

People climbing stairs together

With over 1,900 mentors spanning more than 60 industries and 40 countries, our Future Ready Mentoring initiatives are a unique opportunity to connect with and learn from career professionals who can share their experiences, equip you with the right mindset and prepare you to tackle the working world with confidence.

Here at the University of Westminster, we offer you the opportunity to be matched with industry professionals for both long- and short-term mentoring to support you with your professional development and help you reach your career goals. These opportunities can take place either in-person or online.

Career Mentoring Programme (long-term mentoring) 

Our award-winning Career Mentoring Programme matches participants with an industry professional for a long-term mentoring relationship. We have two intakes each year and applications for Cycle 2, which runs from May – July, are now open.

To take part, you will need to: 

  • Commit to a minimum of 3 mentoring sessions over a three-month period between May and July  
  • Apply through an online form on Engage 
  • Complete mentee training which will take place in late February via our dedicated Blackboard Mentee Module 

Applications close on Sunday 12 February 2023 at midnight. 

Michaelle Kandi, BA (Hons) Business Management (Digital Business) and 'Career Mentoring' Mentee in 2021/22, said about the programme:  

“The Career Mentoring Programme was incredibly insightful. I felt really listened [to] and considered throughout the whole experience.  I gained a lot of knowledge about the professional world and now feel prepared enough to take on this new chapter of my life.”  

Ask a Mentor Service (short-term mentoring) 

For short-term mentoring, our Ask a Mentor Service offers you the chance to be matched with one of our professional mentors for a one-off conversation. 

This one-off mentoring session can be used to ask for career advice on a range of topics, for example, guidance on job/internship searches, job application or interview preparation tips, or for asking industry-specific questions. The applications are open all year and you can apply via Engage.   

Jacob Jaggard, BSc Hons Biomedical Sciences and 'Ask A Mentor' Mentee in 2022, said: 

“The conversation I had with my mentor was extremely insightful and gave me a real confidence boost for my final interview and presentation which I have now completed and have been offered the job!” 

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] or visit the Mentoring webpage

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Contact us on:

[email protected]