Westminster Photography Forum: Lewis Bush

Date 1 June 2021
Time 5 - 6pm
Cost Free
Lewis Bush photography

Lewis Bush explores the role publications and in particular small DIY ‘zines’ have played in his practice, as a way to develop, structure and disseminate his work. 

About the Speaker

Lewis Bush is a photographer, writer, curator, and is Course Leader on MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography and is a Lecturer on BA (Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at London College of Communication.

Accessing the Lecture

The talk can be accessed as livestream via the following link: 

About the Westminster Photography Forum Series

The Westminster Photography Forum offers a series of talks by visiting artist/photographers, theorists, historians, curators and other industry professionals. Geared towards students at all levels as well as staff, the series offers the community a shared focus for discussions of contemporary debates in photography.

For any queries on the Photography Forum series, please contact David Moore or Lucy Soutter