Support group for students affected by the conflict in Ukraine

Date 5 April 2022
Time 3 - 4:30pm
Cost Free
Image of a woman smiling at a counsellor

The Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service is running a therapeutic support group for students. 

World events impact us personally in so many ways, directly and indirectly. This confidential, non-political space is for any students impacted by current events in Ukraine regardless of race, religion or nationality. The aim is to provide a safe place for reflection and discussion from a counselling perspective. 

There is no agenda and the facilitators, members of counselling staff, will encourage participants to share thoughts and feelings arising from the conflict, while respecting difference and being aware that each student has a voice based on their individual experience and understanding.  

The session will take place at the Counselling and Mental Health Advice, Luxborough Suite, (entrance on Luxborough Street), Marylebone Campus.

If you would like to attend this Group, please email [email protected]  by 4pm on Monday 4 April 2022.  

Students are expected to wear a face mask when they attend this group – if you are exempt from wearing a face mask, please let us know in advance. The facilitators will be wearing masks.