‘I feel like a bad mum’: A webinar supporting new mums having negative thoughts

Date 24 November 2021
Time 10 - 11:20am
Cost Free
Mum holding baby in her arms

The Health Innovation and Wellbeing Research Community is organising a series of webinars designed to showcase research and involve members of the public in the design of health and wellbeing research. 

This webinar includes open, reassuring discussion about having negative thoughts as a new mum and provides ideas of how to handle difficult thoughts if they arise.

This session will be useful for any student who is interested in learning more about health and wellbeing research. It’s an opportunity to see how students, academics, practitioners and members of the public work together to support others with their wellbeing and mental health. 

The event will showcase the published work of an MSc Psychology student which will give student attendees the chance to see how to translate a research into a published peer reviewed article.  

Find out more about the event and book your place here.