Freelance Essentials: How to Use Social Media to Grow a Following & Land Freelance Jobs

Date 18 January 2022
Time 5:30 - 7:30pm
Cost Free
person typing on laptop, sat at a table

Social Media has become a part of our lives in some form or another. Most of us are well-versed in a range of platforms from Instagram and TikTok to LinkedIn and Facebook. Using social media to help build a freelance career, however, requires a separate set of skills and understanding.

Learning outcomes:

Emma Goode, a leading Social Media Consultant and Trainer, will teach you how to choose which social media channels are right for your audience, practical techniques you can use to build your following, how to create effective content that will drive a potential client to take action, and how social media works together with an overall marketing strategy.

Who is this event for:

All students interested in freelancing and how to use social media to grow their freelance business.

About the speaker:

Emma is the managing director of 24 Fingers, a marketing agency helping freelancers, start-ups and business owners who are all fingers and thumbs with their social media. By using their hands, hearts and minds (and 28 years’ experience in the industry), Emma helps aspiring freelancers grow their brand through digital marketing.