Before you leave


Before you go abroad, you may be asked to attend a pre-departure session by the Student Mobility Team or faculty, which is mandatory for some students. These sessions are designed to help you get ready to go abroad. Although we can’t prepare you for every situation, we hope that it will give you a good basis before you leave.

Details of when and where the pre-departure sessions will take place will be sent to you by the Student Mobility Team or trip organiser in the case of a faculty field trip.

Topics covered in these sessions include:

  • travel advice
  • health and safety issues
  • insurance
  • visa
  • money and finance

Academic matters

Have you:

  • Found out exactly what is expected from you during and after the exchange in terms of marks, coursework, reports and credits?
  • Obtained contact details for any University of Westminster staff you may need to contact while you're away? (Academic Exchange Coordinator and any other relevant support staff depending on your circumstances).

Administrative matters

Have you:

  • Informed the  Library and Student Centre that you are going on exchange? Remember to supply a contact address to the Library and Student Centre when you get there if you are not able to do this before you go.
  • Completed all the necessary enrolment forms? If not your tuition fees may be incorrectly charged.
  • Informed your Local Education Authority (LEA) and the Students Loans Company? Even in cases where the LEA doesn't need to be informed that you are abroad, it is often useful to do this.

The Student Mobility Team will send you all required pre-departure documentation which will vary depending on the type of opportunity you will be undertaking. 

Personal matters

Have you:

  • Arranged your accommodation or gathered information so that you can find a place to live when you arrive? Please remember it is your responsibility to arrange your accommodation.
  • Arranged travel and medical insurance, and ensured you have sufficient cover for your destination country?
  • Arranged any immunisations that are needed? Check at least 6–8 weeks before your trip in case you need to get any.
  • Got a letter from your doctor to cover any medications you are taking with you? Some medicines are not legal in every country. Have you got enough medications to last you?
  • Checked for travel advice? It may be helpful to subscribe to their email alerts or follow @FCOtravel on Twitter for regular updates.

Travel insurance

All students must provide evidence of travel insurance before they leave. We suggest you get comprehensive travel insurance, which covers medical emergencies, last-minute cancellations, lost baggage and money. It should cover any pre-existing medical conditions you have, and you should ensure it covers all activities you undertake. If you do not take out proper insurance, you will normally have to pay the costs of any emergency yourself, including expensive bills and medical evacuation back to the UK.

The University's block travel insurance scheme will extend to cover students travelling overseas for up to 12 months on exchange programmes or for any other activity in relation to their coursework at University of Westminster. An authorised staff member of the University (for example your Course Leader or Academic Exchange Coordinator) must approve the trip.

The University of Westminster travel insurance must be applied for (in addition to your comprehensive travel insurance to suit your needs) as part of the pre-departure documents, and will be sent to the procurement team by you directly.

Once you have submitted this form, you will receive a copy of the travel insurance cover note together with emergency contacts. Please keep hold of this as it is a very important document!

Health insurance

For EU & EEA countries

Please read the information regarding EHIC and GHIC cards to make sure you have the correct, up to date information on these cards and what you need for your trip. We also recommend that you also buy comprehensive insurance to cover your healthcare for the full length of your course or placement.

Check the NHS country guides for the latest information on the country you are studying in. 

For further information please visit

Please check the NHS Business Services Authority site for additional information on EHIC applications for the Brexit transition period and from 1 January 2021.

For other countries

You will need to arrange personal health insurance. For the US, Canada and Australia this is mandatory and you will not get a visa without proof of this. It is often easier and cheaper to use the host University's insurance broker. Information about this will be included with the application form to the exchange partner.

Immigration matters

It is your responsibility to check if you require a visa for your exchange and to obtain all documentation required, obtain a visa and pay any costs associated with this. The University of Westminster does not supply visa guidance or information for students going on exchange. Please do not wait until the last minute to get your visa.

Have you:

  • Checked if you need a student visa and applied for one if you are required to do so? Leave plenty of time.
  • Ensured you have all the documents you need to apply for a visa (for example an acceptance letter from your host institution)?
  • Found out about the employment regulations while on your exchange?

Contact the relevant embassy or consulate to find out if you need to have a visa or what you need to do to obtain one. You can use the Embassy World website to find out contact details.

Information about the host institution

The partner institution should send you general information. Alternatively, you should contact their exchange office or visit their website.

Have you:

  • Found out the semester and holiday dates of your host institution?
  • Found when the orientation is (if there is one) and booked your place?
  • Made a note of the contact details for the exchange coordinator at your host institution?
  • Found out about language provision at your host institution? Many universities offer free language courses for exchange students before the start of the study period. If so, have you applied?
  • Applied for accommodation if the partner offers it?