Researchers at Westminster and their collaborators at the University of Exeter want to develop a project aimed at stopping online misogyny (i.e. hatred and ideas men are much better than women) directed at women. Students have the opportunity to be involved with the research.

Why are we doing this research?

Around half of young women have experienced online abuse, and nearly half of these say the abuse they received online was misogynistic or sexist in nature.

At the same time, many young men believe feminism has gone too far, and one in five young men (aged 16 to 29) look upon the self-declared online misogynist Andrew Tate favourably.

One area of particular concern is the so-called ‘manosphere’ – a loose collection of blogs, websites, social media posts (e.g. Twitter, Reddit) and online forums (e.g. YouTube) with an interest in men’s issues.

Many misogynistic ‘actors’ are thought to operate in the ‘manosphere’, broadly viewing women and feminists as the source of their problems.

We want to research to understand how everyday frustrations in the manosphere can bubble over into more dangerous harassment, coercion and/or violence against women.

To this end, the team are holding an in-person workshop to bring together separate groups of men and women with an interest in discussing online misogyny and reducing violence against women and girls.

Key to the workshop is to hear from both men and women (separately) about their ideas about what’s important, as well as how to address the challenges faced. During the workshop, team members will facilitate small group discussions about online misogyny.

You will receive a £50 shopping voucher for your active involvement in the workshop.

Register your interest:

To find out more & register your interest, please complete the short questionnaire.

Workshop details:

We will hold two workshops - one for women, and one for men.

Women's workshop

Location: 3.109 (Copland building), 115 New Cavendish St W1W 6UW

Date: Tuesday 12 March

Time: 12.30-2.00pm

Men's workshop

Location: 3.109 (Copland building) 115 New Cavendish  St W1W 6UW

Date: Tuesday 19 March

Time: 2.00-3.30pm

Press and media enquiries

Contact us on:

[email protected]