Dr Matthew Charles

Matthew Charles's profile photo

Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Critical Theory


Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7911 5000
309 Regent Street
Wednesday 11am to 12pm (RS 509 or on Teams); Fridays 10am to 11am (RS 509 or Teams)
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About me

I am a Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Critical Theory and the Senior Tutor for the School of Humanities, having joined the University of Westminster in 2010. I have a BA and an MA in Philosophy and Literature from the University of Warwick and a PhD from the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP), then at Middlesex University but now at Kingston University. 

I teach on undergraduate and postgraduate modules on literary studies, cultural studies and critical theory. 

My office is room 509 on the fifth floor of the main building at 309 Regent Street and the phone extension for my office is 68922.


I am a Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy and I teach on the undergraduate modules Keywords for Literary Studies, Issues in Culture, as well as the English Literature Tutorial and Dissertation modules. At postgraduate level I teach on the modules Problems and Perspectives in Cultural Studies and Capitalism & Culture.

I have previously been Course Leader for the MA in Cultural and Critical Studies at Westminster. I have previously served as External Examiner for the MA in Cultural and Critical Theory at the University of Brighton (2021- ) and MAs in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, Critical Theory and Politics, and Cultural Studies at the University of Nottingham (2015-2019).


My research primarily concerns Critical Theory, specifically the work of Walter Benjamin. 

In relation to philosophy and literature I have published Modernism Between Benjamin and Goethe (Routledge 2019) and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2015, revised 2020) entry on Walter Benjamin. 

I contributed the chapter on critical theory and education in The Palgrave Walter Benjamin Handbook (forthcoming) and The Sage Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory (Sage, 2018) and have published on Walter Benjamin and education in Pedagogies of Disaster (Punctum 2013), New German Critique, boundary 2, Radical Philosophy, Studies in Philosophy and Education and Pedagogy, Culture and Society. I also co-edited with Howard Eiland the dossier on 'Walter Benjamin and Education' for boundary 2 (2018) and organized and contributed to the panel on 'Pedagogization' for the Radical Philosophy 2015 ​conference in Berlin, the international conference on 'Walter Benjamin, Pedagogy and the Politics of Youth' (IMCC/CRMEP 2013), and the streams on 'Critical Theory and Education' for the International Critical Theory Conference of Rome and on 'Critical Education and Radical Pedagogy' and for the London Conference in Critical Thought in 2012. 

I am currently supervising a PhD in radical literary education and have supervised to completion doctoral research on modernist literature and philosophy. I have external examined PhDs on literature and the abject at the University of Winchester and on Walter Benjamin's philosophy at the University of Kingston. I have been internal examiner for PhDs on Walter Benjamin and on architecture and philosophy at Westminster. 

I welcome PhD applications from students wishing to pursue graduate research on critical theory, modernist literature or theoretical aspects of modern and contemporary education.


For details of all my research outputs, visit my WestminsterResearch profile.